Lampu Explosion Proof LED Light

Explosion Proof LED Lighting from Killark which MBL series of LE D 22 & 45 Watt
MBL LED explosion proof lighting indonesia fixtures are designed for installations where dust, moisture, dirt, , corrosive area and vibration may be present, or NEMA 3 and 4X areas where wind, water, snow or high ambients can be expected. This luminaire can be used in locations made hazardous and explosive by the presence of flammable vapors or gases or combustible dusts as defined by the NEC.
Typical applications of this include manufacturing plants, and certain chemical and petrochemical processing facilities.
• UL-8750 for LED lighting
• UL Marine type lighting fixtures ( HID models) UL-844 Standard for lighting fixtures for hazardous locations, Class I, Division 2; Class II, Divisions 1 and 2; Class III
• CSA C22.2 no. 137-M1981 electric luminaries for use in hazardous locations
• Enclosed and gasketed
• NEMA 3, 4X
• Ballast tank, splice box and guards ( MBAG, VMAG) corrosion resistant copper-free aluminum alloy
• Baked powder epoxy/ polyester finish, electrostatically applied for complete, uniform corrosion protection
• All external hardware – stainless steel
• Reflectors – Polyester reinforced fiberglass LED Luminaire Features and Standards
• Compact in Size with Traditional Industrial Appearance and Suitability
• Wide variety of optics including globes, globes with reflectors, all-glass refractors, and spin-top refractors
• Optional Mounting arrangements including Pendant, Wall, Ceiling, and Stanchion
Lampu anti-Ledak LED merk KILLARK dengan seri MBL dari LE D 22 & 45 Watt MBL untuk market Indonesia dirancang untuk ditempatkan di mana debu, kelembaban, kotoran,, daerah korosif dan getaran dapat hadir, atau NEMA 3 dan daerah 4X di mana angin, air, salju atau ambients tinggi dapat diharapkan.
Aplikasi untuk daerah gas yang mudah terbakar dan tahan ledak, adapun pencahayaan ini dikhususkan termasuk pabrik, dan kimia tertentu dan fasilitas pengolahan petrokimia. • UL-8750 untuk pencahayaan LED perlengkapan Jenis
• UL Kelautan atau Marina pencahayaan (model HID) UL-844 Standard untuk perlengkapan pencahayaan untuk lokasi berbahaya, Kelas I, Divisi 2; Kelas II, Divisi 1 dan 2; Kelas III • CSA C22.2 ada. 137-M1981 untuk digunakan di lokasi berbahaya
• Tertutup dan gasketed • NEMA 3, 4X Bahan • tangki Ballast, kotak junction dan guard (MBAG, V MAG) tahan korosi paduan aluminium bebas tembaga • Panggang bubuk epoxy / polyester finish, elektrostatis diterapkan untuk lengkap, perlindungan korosi seragam
• Semua hardware eksternal – stainless steel • Reflektor – Polyester diperkuat fiberglass
Fitur luminer dan Standar
• Compact LED dalam Ukuran dengan Tradisional Penampilan Industri dan Kesesuaian
• Berbagai optik termasuk bola, bola dengan reflektor, semua kaca refractors, dan berputar-top refraktor • pengaturan Mounting Opsional termasuk Pendant, Wall, Ceiling, dan tiang penopang
Harga: | USD 1.00 (nego) |
Pesanan Minimum: | 1 |
Jumlah Pesanan: | Tambah ke Keranjang |
Cara Pembayaran: | Transfer Bank (T/T) |
Jumlah: | 1 |
Kemas & Pengiriman: | standard packaging |
Negara Asal: | Amerika Serikat |