Lampu Aircraft Area Warning Light

FAA rated LED Obstruction lights

Hubbell Aircraft Area Warning Light has Applications as follows:

Hubbell AW LED obstruction light series utilizes unique optical, electrical and mechanical design. AW LED is the most universal, compact and efficient obstruction light in the world. ETL certified to the FAA requirements. Available as a complete single fixture or as a direct replacement of incandescent lamp/lens technology

Hubbell Pesawat di Area Peringatan Cahaya memiliki Aplikasi sebagai berikut:

Hubbell AW Lighting obstruksi LED menggunakan desain optiklistrik dan mekanik yang unikAW LED adalah yang paling universal, kompak dan efisien cahaya obstruksi di dunia. ETL bersertifikat dengan persyaratan FAATersedia dengan  perlengkapan tunggal lengkap atau sebagai pengganti langsung dari lampu pijar / lensa


It Uses 95% less energy than incandescent, only 6.5 total watts per unit.
Available as a single, dual or retro-fit unit.
Available in 120 VAC
Last years longer than an incandescent
Weather/corrosion resistant lamp assembly and housing
Self-contained wiring compartment eliminates additional boxes.
Both units supplied with adapter for 3/4″ mount.
Resistant to shock and vibration.




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